Our People Make Us Exceptional

Spotlighting members of our team who encompass our culture and values

Omer Matalon

Since joining Harris & Harris in 2012, Omer Matalon has proven to be an essential member of our Facilities team. In 2014 he was recognized with the prestigious “Client Engagement” award following an article that Omer co-authored with Ari Derman, our former General Counsel/Chief Compliance Officer. This inspiring article focused on the deep connection between Omer and Ari beginning at Camp Ramah and extending to their time together at Harris & Harris. It also recounted Omer’s outstanding contributions including taking great pride in his work and always having a cheerful willingness no matter the request or task. The article was submitted to the Ruderman Family Foundation. With more than 12 years of service and nearly perfect attendance, Omer remains a great example of our culture at Harris & Harris. 


Harris & Harris is always looking for motivated, energetic, and service-oriented candidates to enhance our team. We are committed to employing and empowering successful people who strive to provide customers with exceptional service.

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Chicago, Illinois 60604